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Game Name : Pokemon Red
System : GameBoy
Date Added : 2007-04-10 14:16:05
Views : 15218

Blocking the Swift move
In order to block the move Swift, teach a Pokemon Substitute. Use it against a Pokemon that knows Swift. The opponent's attack will be taken by the substitute. Your Pokemon will remain unaffected.

Hidden Machine locations
Look in the following locations to find Hidden Machines.

HM01: S.S. Anne
HM02: Route 16
HM03: Secret House
HM04: Wardens House
HM05: Route 2

Defeating Mewtwo
When you are in a link battle and your opponent uses the weak rare candy trick on a Mewtwo, use an Electrode (have a two or so in your line-up). Attack Mewtwo until you are too weak to continue. Then, use Explosion and kill yourself to take out the Mewtwo.

Two turn attacks
When using a two turn attack, use a sleep attack first. For example, if you have a Venasaur that can use Solar Beam, use a sleep attack such as Sleep Powder to put the other Pokemon to sleep. If it is still fast asleep, use the two turn attack. If not, use the sleep attack again.

Reviving Pokemon easily
Note: This trick requires a level 99 or less Pokemon, a Rare Candy, and a Max Potion. If a Pokemon faints, use the Rare Candy, then the Potion or Max Potion. Note: The battle must end before doing this trick.

Catching Water Pokemon
Stand in front of any statue of a gym and use the rod to catch Water Pokemon.

Clone Pokemon
Note: This trick requires another Game Boy and Pokemon game. Trade the Pokemon to be cloned, and have the other player get a Pokemon that he or she does not care about. Trade them, and make sure the player receiving the bad Pokemon can see the other player's screen. When the Game Boy that receives the good Pokemon's displays "Waiting", get ready to shut the other Game Boy off. When the "Waiting" message disappears, turn off the Game Boy that is receiving the bad Pokemon. When the "Trade completed" message appears, turn off the remaining Game Boy. Both games will have the same good Pokemon when they are turned back on. Note: Do not attempt this trick with any saved games you wish to keep, as it can corrupt those files if done incorrectly.

Increasing stats
Make a Pokemon run out of power points for a move it learned on its own. Then, store it in the PC, take it out, and heal it. One or more of its stats will be raised slightly.

Cut's secondary effect
You may already know that Cut cuts down small trees to clear a path for yourself. If you use Cut while standing in a patch of grass, it will cut the grass so you won't encounter Pokemon in that spot. The grass is reset if you leave the area.

Easy experience
An easy way to earn experience for a weaker Pokemon is to put your lowest-level Pokemon at the top of your list. When a fight begins, it will be the first Pokemon released. Instead of fighting, just switch to a stronger Pokemon. The weaker Pokemon will share the experience from the battle without being put in any danger. This is a good way to make your Pokemon gain experience evenly.

Rare Pokemon
You can catch evolved forms of rare Pokemon in the Unknown Dungeon (where you get Mewtwo). This includes Wigglytuff, Arbok, Sandslash, Venomoth, Kadabra, Parasect, Raichu, Hypno, Magneton, Dugtrio, Marowak, and Electrode.

Pokemon level variations
Wild Pokemon of the same level are weaker than the same kind of Pokemon of the same level that you raised yourself. You can also select the moves that the Pokemon you learned (and forgotten) at an earlier level while wild Pokemon come "as is" with whatever moves are selected by the CPU.

Having your Pokemon raised by the babysitter on Route 9 will cause the Pokemon to be weaker and have lower stats than it would be if you raised it through battles.

Using Rare Candy to raise your Pokemon will cause the Pokemon to be weaker and have lower stats than it would be if you raised it through battles.

Easy coins
When you go to the house with the group of casino machines, press B on the gambling people's backs to gain 10 to 20 coins each. You can get up to 120 coins this way.

Rare Candy locations
Look in the following locations to find Rare Candy.

Mt. Moon: First Floor
S.S Anne: Second Basement
Celedon Game Corner: Third Basement
Pokemon Tower: Sixth Floor
Silph Co.: Tenth Floor
Fuchsia City: Wardens House
Power Plant: Upper Right Hand Corner
Pokemon Mansion: Basement
Victory Road: First Floor

To get this Pokemon, go to the top of Viridian City. Go to the old man and answer "No". Watch him catch a Weedle via a Pokeball. Then, Fly to Fuchsia City. SURF to Seafoam Islands and SURF up and down (while in the water) until Fearow appears.

Re-board the S.S. Anne
To Re-board the S.S. Anne, have a Pokemon that knows Surf with you. Go to the guy who says "the ship set sail". You'll be diagnall from him. now go in front of him and save. Turn your GB off and back on. Use your SURF Pokemon and hold DOWN. You'll be SURFing on the guy. Press DOWN the after SURFing, and you should be in the ship.

Finding money
Walk around and press A in the Rocket Game Corner to find coins that people have dropped.

Buy the Magikarp offered to you just before Mount Moon by entering the Pokemon Center. A fat man will ask you if you want a Magikarp for 500 dollars. Although it may seem like a bad price, it will be worth it later. Place Magikarp first in the list. When battling, switch Magikarp with your strongest Pokemon and finish off your opponent. Keep repeating this until it reaches level 20. the best place to train Magikarp is the Unknown Dungeon or Diglett's Cave.

Saving money
Instead of repeatedly paying to get in the Safari Zone, save the game after entering. Then, instead of paying again, just turn off the Game Boy and turn it back on.

Free bike
Go to Vermilion City. Go to the Pokemon Club. Talk to the Rapidash man. He will give you a Bike Voucher. Go to the bike shop in Cerulean City. Talk to the man at the counter. He will trade your Bike Voucher for a bike.

Pokemart items and prices
The following items can be purchased for the indicated prices.

[Viridian City Pokemon Mart]
Pokeball: 200
Antidote: 100
Paralyze Heal: 200
Burn Heal: 250

[Pewter City Pokemon Mart]
Pokeball: 200
Potion: 300
Escape Rope: 550
Antidote: 100
Burn Heal: 250
Awakening: 200
Paralyze Heal: 200

[Cerulean City Pokemon Mart]
Pokeball: 200
Potion: 300
Repel: 350
Antidote: 100
Burn Heal: 250
Awakening: 200
Paralyze Heal: 200

[Vermilion City Pokemon Mart]
Pokeball: 200
Super Potion: 700
Ice Heal: 250
Awakening: 200
Paralyze Heal:
Repel: 350

[Lavender Town Pokemon Mart]
Great Ball: 600
Super Potion: 700
Revive: 1,500
Escape Rope: 550
Super Repel: 500
Antidote: 100
Burn Heal: 250
Ice Heal: 250
Paralyze Heal: 250

[Celadon Dept. Store Floor Two]
Great Ball: 600
Super Potion: 700
Revive: 1,5000
Super Repel: 500
Antidote: 100
Burn Heal: 250
Ice Heal: 250
Awakening: 200
Paralyze Heal: 200
TM32: 1,000
TM33: 1,000
TM02: 2,000
TM07: 2,000
TM37: 2,000
TM01: 3,000
TM05: 3,000
TM09: 3,000
TM17: 3,000

[Celadon Dept. Store Floor Four]
Pokedoll: 1,000
Fire Stone: 2,100
Thunder Stone: 2,100
Water Stone: 2,100
Leaf Stone: 2,100

[Celadon Dept. Store Floor Five]
X Accuracy: 950
Guard Spec.: 700
Dire Hit: 650
X Attack: 500
X Defend: 550
X Speed: 350
X Special: 350
Hp Up: 9,800
Protein: 9,800
Iron: 9,800
Carbos: 9,800
Calcium: 9,800

[Celadon Dept. Store Top Floor]
Fresh Water: 200
Soda Pop: 300
Lemonade: 350

[Saffron City Pokemon Mart]
Great Ball: 600
Hyper Potion: 1,500
Max Repel: 700
Escape Rope: 550
Full Heal: 600
Revive: 1,500

[Fucshia City Pokemon Mart]
Ultra Ball: 1,200
Great Ball: 600
Super Potion: 700
Revive: 1,500
Full Heal: 600
Super Repel: 500

Cinnabar Island Pokemon Mart
Ultra Ball: 1,200
Greatball: 600
Hyper Potion: 1,500
Max Repel: 700
Escape Rope: 550
Full Heal: 600
Revive: 1,500

[Indigo Plateau Pokemon Mart]
Ultra Ball: 1,200
Great Ball: 600
Full Restore: 3,000
Max Potion: 2,500
Full Heal: 600
Revive: 1,500
Max Repel: 700

Stand on a tree
If you have a Pokemon that knows CUT (TM 01), cut down a tree, stand on the place where the tree was cut down, save the game, and turn it off. Turn the game back on, select "Continue" and press A when the game starts. Your character should be on a tree.

An Abra is hard to catch, but it is worth it. When your Pokemon are weak and you need to get to a Pokécenter quickly, press Start and choose Pokemon. A list of your Pokemon will appear. If you have Abra with you, choose him and select teleport. Note: You have to be outside first; use an escape rope if needed. It will take you directly to the last Pokemon Center visited.

Pokemon locations
Abra: Same as Jigglypuff
Aerodactyl: Fossil in Pewter
Articuno: Seafoam
Bellsprout: same as Oddish
Bulbasaur: Celeraun City
Caterpie: Forest
Chansey: Safari Zone
Charmander: Above Celeraun City
Clefairy: mt. Moon
Cubone: Safari Zone, Lavender Tower
Dewgong: Seafoam
Diglett: Diglett's Cave
Ditto: Cinnabar
Doduo: Bike Trail
Dragonair: Safari Zone
Dratini: Safari Zone
Drowzee: Right Of Vermilion
Dudrio: Bike Trail
Dugtrio: Diglett's Cave
Electrode: Power Plant
Exeggcute: Safari Zone
Farfetch'd: Below Lavender
Fearow: Same as Spearow
Ghastly: Lavender Tower
Geodude: Indigo Plateau, mt. Moon
Gloom: Below Lavender
Golbat: Indigo Plateau, Seafoam Island
Goldeen: Any water
Golduck: same as Psyduck
Graveler: Indigo Plateau
Grimer: Cinnabar, Power Plant
Growlithe: Cinnabar
Haunter: Same as Ghastly
Hitmonchan: Same as Hitmonlee
Hitmonlee: Beat Fighting Dojo
Horsea: Right of Vermilion
Jigglypuff: Everywhere next to Saffron
Jynx: Mystery Cave
Kabuto: Same as Omanyte
Kadabra: Left of Lavender
Kangaskhan: Safari Zone
Kingler: Seafoam
Krabby: Seafoam
Lickitung: Mystery Cave
Machoke: Indigo Plateu
Machop: mt. Moon
Magikarp: Trail across water
Magnemite: Power Plant
Magneton: Power Plant
Mankey: Indigo Plateu, mt. moon, beside mt. moon
Marowak: Safari Zone
Metapod: Forest
Mewtwo: Mystery Cave
Moltres: Indigo Plateau
Muk: Same as Grimer
Nidorans: Safari Zone, Indigo Plateau, Forest, Lavender
Nidorina: Safari Zone, Indigo Plateau, mt. Moon
Nidorino: Same as Nidorina
Oddish: Above Celeraun, below Lavender
Omanyte: Fossil in mt. Moon
Onix: mt. Moon, Indigo Plateau
Parasect: Safari Zone
Paras: Mt. Moon, Safari Zone
Pikachu: Long grass in Viridian Forest
Pidgeotto: Same as Pidgey
Pidgey: Any grassy area except Fushia, Cinnabar, Indigo Plateau
Pinsir: Safari Zone
Poliwag: Back yard in Fuschia
Ponyta: Bike Trail
Primeape: INDIGO Plateau
Psyduck: Water above Vermilion
Raticate: Cinnabar, Bike Trail, Lavender, Vermilion
Rattata: Any grassy area.
Rhyhorn: Safari Zone
Sandshrew: beside and in mt. Moon
Scyther: Safari Zone
Seadra: same as Horsea
Seel: Seafoam
Shellder: Bike Trail
Slowbro: same as Slowpoke
Slowpoke: Below Lavender, Seafoam
Snorlax: Blocking trail across water
Spearow: Indigo Plateau, Bike Trail, Mt. Moon
Squirtle: Vermilion
Staryu: Seafoam
Tangela: Safari Zone
Tauros: Safari Zone
Tentacool: Above Cinnabar, Seafoam
Tentacruel: Seafoam
Venomoth: Right of Fuschia
Venonat: Above Celeraun, right of Fuschia
Voltorb: Power Plant
Vulpix: Game Corner
Weepinbell: Below Lavender
Zubat: Mt. Moon, Seafoam, Indigo Plateau

Finding the secret house in Safari Zone
Ironically, the easiest way to the secret house is to use a Pokemon that knows SURF. Trade a friend (temporary or not) and enter the Safari Zone. Go straight up to the water and SURF across (stop and pick up the item on the "island"). When you reach the other side of the water, go up towards the left and through the opening. Then, go straight up onto a hill and come down on the other side. Go down and keep going down until you reach another hill. Go up, go left, then get off the hill. Go up and SURF across the water. The secret house should be right in front of you. Enter the house and talk to the man, then press A on the first statue to your right. The gold teeth are to your right, past the hill, and down.

Technical Machine locations
Look in the following locations to find Technical Machines.

TM01: Mt. Moon, Celadon Dept. Store
TM02: Celadon Dept. Store, Game Corner
TM03: Silph Co.
TM04: Route 4
TM05: Victory Road, Celadon Dept. Store
TM06: Fuchsia Gym
TM07: Game Corner
TM08: S.S. Anne
TM09: Saffron City, Celadon Dept. Store
TM10: Game Corner
TM11: Cerulean Gym
TM12: Mt. Moon
TM13: Celadon Dept. Store
TM14: Cinnabar Island
TM15: Celadon City
TM16: Route 12
TM17: Victory Road, Celadon Dept. Store
TM18: Celadon Dept. Store
TM19: Route 25
TM20: Route 15
TM21: Celadon Gym
TM22: Cinnabar Island
TM23: Celedon City
TM24: Vermilion Gym
TM25: Power Plant
TM26: Silph Co.
TM27: Viridian Gym
TM28: Cerulean City
TM29: Saffron City
TM30: Route 9
TM31: Saffron City
TM32: Fuchsia City, Celadon Dept. Store
TM33: Power Plant, Celadon Dept. Store
TM34: Pewter Gym
TM35: Pokemon Lab
TM36: Silph Co.
TM37: Fuchsia City, Celadon Dept. Store
TM38: Cinnabar Gym
TM39: Route 12
TM40: Safari Zone
TM41: Celadon City
TM42: Viridian City
TM43: Victory Road
TM44: S.S. Anne
TM45: Route 24
TM46: Saffron Gym
TM47: Victory Road
TM48: Celadon Dept. Store
TM49: Celadon Dept. Store
TM50: Celadon City

Mimic (TM31)
Buy a Pokedoll in Celadon Mart. Fly to Saffron City and enter the Copycat's house. Give her a pokedoll and will give you TM 31, which is Mimic.

Unlimited money
For unlimited money, place a gold nugget in the sixth item slot and get ninety-nine of them by using the "Unlimited items" trick. Sell all except one to increase your money. Use the remaining gold nugget to repeat this procedure. Go to any Pokemart and sell the nuggets until you have 999,999 coins. Go to Celadon City and go to the Game Corner. Go inside and talk to the man at the counter, who is on the right of the counter. He will ask you if you need coins. Say yes. He will give you 50 coins. Continue until you have about 7,000 coins. Now you can buy any item or Pokemon in the Prize Exchange house.

Super Potion locations
The following Super Potions can be found before you have the Item Finder. A Super Potion is located immediately before you get to the Rock Tunnel. Use cut On the bush nearest to the entrance of the tunnel, then press A on the wall. Another Super Potion is directly behind Giovanni in that tape recorder-like object when you battle him under the Game Corner. Press A to get it.

Catch Pokemon easier
Duplicate a Master Ball using the "Unlimited Items" trick. Then, use the Master Balls on all the Pokemon that you do not have to quickly capture them.

Getting the Master Ball
Go into the fifth floor of the Silph Co. building in Saffron City. Go to the bottom of the screen to find a man standing next to a teleporter. Enter the teleporter to travel to another room. Get off the teleporter, then go in it again to return to the fifth floor. Go right to find a ball that looks like a Pokeball. Pick it up -- it should be a card key. Go back in the teleporter you used before. Get off the teleporter, then enter it again. Go up and go to the third floor. Go down, then go left to find a "wall" blocking the way. Talk to the "wall" and the card key will open it. Go left to find a teleporter. Enter the teleporter, then go left and you will battle Gary. Talk to the man near Gary and he will give you a Lapras. Keep going down, then four steps right. Go up, then talk to the "wall" to open it. Go up and battle Giovanni. Defeat him, then talk to the man (Mr. Fuji). He will take you to his house and give you a Master Ball. This Poke Ball will catch Pokemon 100% of the time. You can only use it once, so use it on rare Pokemon such Moltres, Mewto, Zapdos and Arcticuno.

Skip Marowak fight
The top floor of the Pokemon tower is blocked by the ghost of a Marowak, which can't be identified and defeated until you get the Silph Scope in Team Rocket's Hideout. Or apparently not, because if you use a Poke Doll item in this fight, with the Silph Scope or not, you'll escape the battle and Marowak will be defeated! With this trick, you can get to the top floor and save Mr. Fuji and get the Poke Flute without ever going into Team Rocket's hideout.

Pokemon fishing locations
Fish at the following locations to catch the indicated Pokemon.

Pallet Town: Tentacool, Poliwag
Viridian City: Tentacool, Poliwag
Route:22: Goldeen, Poliwag
Cerulean City, Routes 4, 24, 25: Goldeen, Psyduck, Krabby
Vermilion City, Routes 6, 11: Shellder, Krabby
Safari Zone: Psyduck, Krabby, Slowpoke, Dratini
Celedon City, Routes 10: Poliwhirl, Slowpoke
Routes12, 13, 17, 18: Tentacool, Krabby, Goldeen
Cinnabar, Seafoam, Routes19, 20, 21: Staryu, Horsea, Goldeen, Shellder
Unknown Dungeon, Routes 23: Slowbro, Seaking, Kingler, Seadra
Fuchsia City: Seaking, Goldeen, Krabby
Every area also contains Magikarp

Unlimited items
Find the Missingno Pokemon and defeat him. A design will appear in your sixth item. Deposit your sixth item individually until it totals 99. Then you can divide the items by fifty. If a no more room message appears, just withdraw an item and keep depositing the sixth item. Check the CPU when this is complete to find two groups of 99 of the same item. Note: Obtaining Missingno can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that Missingno be released unless you are just experimenting with the game.

Moon Stone locations
There are five moon stones for Nidorina, Nidorian, Clefairy and Jigglypuff.

In upper left corner of Mt. Moon, first floor.

At Mt. Moon, before the fossils, walk down to right and search the dead end. Go to Mt. Moon and just before you get to Super Nerd, there is a walkway on the right that is one space wide and four spaces long. Go to the end and press A to find a Moon Stone.

In basement of Team Rocket's HQ in Celedon City.

Bottom right area of Route 2. CUT is required to obtain it.

Fly to Cinnabar Island and enter the Pokemon House. You will see boxes on both sides. Go to the fifth box on the right-hand side and press A.

Extra training before Lorelei
Walk into the Elite Four PokeCenter and go to the Elite Four. There is a door higher up on the screen if you move forward. You should now be in a room with Lorelei standing on a large platform with water around it. You can fish here for Pokemon, however the only thing that can be caught, even with the best rod, is Lvl. 15 Goldeen and Lvl. 5 Magikarp. Note: Surfing around here does nothing. Note: You need a rod to do this trick. However, hust before the PokeCenter there is a much better place to fight Pokemon because they will be at more appropriate levels.

Extra PP Up
While in the Power Plant next to Zapdos, go up and right. You will see two slots. The right one contains a PP up.

Keep earning money
Here is a great way to keep getting money even after beating all the trainers in the game. Keep betting the Pokemon league 4 and your rival repeatedly. You can beat them an unlimited number of times. This is also a useful to build levels quickly.

In-game reset
Press Select + Start + A + B while the credits are displayed to restart the game. No data will be lost.

Get about 150 of your sixth item (Great for master ball and rare candy)
First talk to the guy in Viridian City that tells you how to catch pokemon. Tell him you aren't in a hurry, and when he's done fly to Cinibar Island and use surf to surf on the half water half land shore area. When you run into Missingno run away. Your six item will have a random thing instead of a #. It is now duplicated. You can this glitch as many times as you want. *!*You can also use this trick to catch rarer pokemon like Starmie or Taurus and sometimes one of the 1st three (the wil usually have insanely high levels so I recomend a master ball, after all you should have a lot of them!)

Avoiding battles
If you do not want fight all the gym leaders or people who want a fight while wandering in the cities, just avoid them by walking past while they are looking away.

Teleporting old man
This trick is similar to the old man on roof trick. Go into Celadon City. Store your bike on the PC, then go to the building that leads to Cycling Road. When you try to go past the guard, he will tell you that no pedestrians are allowed on Cycling Road. While he is telling you this, look at the wall behind him. The old man will be on top of the wall. When you move back by one little square, go down toward the stairs and try to get past the guard again. He will tell you the same thing again, and this time the old man will be a little to your left.

Pikachu can be found in Viridian Forest on level 3. First, walk through the door that connects Pallet town and the Forest. Then, walk about three to seven steps north. Then, turn either right or left and keep going until you reach the trees (dodge trainers if needed). There will be a small grassy area here. Walk around in it for a while and you will see Pikachu. Make sure that you have a level 3 to 5 Pokemon with you. You can use Pikachu to battle Misty at Cerulean City.

Better chance to capture Pokemon
When you throw a Poke-ball hold A as it closes on the Pokemon. The Poke-ball will shut tighter, making it easier to catch the Pokemon.

When using any kind of Poke-ball (except the Master Ball), enter a battle and prepare to throw it at a Pokemon. As soon as it appears, hold Up + B. The Ball will become a Master Ball and catch the Pokemon. Note: This trick requires precise timing.

Ineffective poisons
If one of your strong Pokemon gets poisoned during a battle, just keep using a move that can cause an instant K.O.. If you keep knocking out the opponent's Pokemon one after another, the poison will not work. Also, instead of pressing and holding the D-pad, tap it to take small steps.

Items in Viridian City
Use a water type Pokemon and surf in the area above the gym. Surf up one space and look to the right. Press A to get Max Ether.

Hidden Nugget
In Copy Cat's house, go to her room. On the table at the top is a doll. Talk to the open space on the table next to it. There is a Nugget hidden there.

To get Mankey, talk to the old man that tells you how to catch Pokemon. Then, go to the first patch of grass on the way to the Pokemon League. There are many Mankeys at that location.

Use the following trick to get a Pokemon that knows Waterfall. Trade a water Pokemon from the Pokemon Red or Blue to Pokemon Gold or Silver. Teach it Waterfall. Trade it back to the Red or Blue version (notice how it allows you to bring it in the time machine). When you receive it, the Pokemon will know Waterfall. The move resembles a mix between Surf, Dig, and Tackle.

Change color scheme
Use the following trick when playing the game on a Game Boy Color. Press Down + B + Select (as can be done with any classic Game Boy Game) to change the color scheme to match that found normally in the Red version of the game. Note: This does not change anything in the game except its appearance.

Place a level 5 Magikarp at the front of the lineup and allow Ditto transform into it.

Old man on roof
Step to the right of the door at the gym where you get the Volcano Badge. You should be on the edge of the water. Use Lapras or another Pokemon to SURF out into the water. Then, come back in and go to the door. The game will say that the door is locked. Look on the roof to find an old man.

To get this Pokemon, go to the top of Viridian City. Go to the old man and answer "No". Watch him catch a Weedle via a Pokeball. Then, Fly to Fuchsia City. SURF to Seafoam Islands and SURF up and down (while in the water) until Sandslash appears. It should be at level 27 or 37.

Trade a Meowth from the blue version of the game as soon as you catch it to a new red version game. Meowth will soon acquire the Payday attack. Although Meowth will be hard to control, you will be able to make a large amount of money from the Payday move when he does listen. Use this move on wild Pokemon because you will not be able to control Meowth until you get the Cascade badge.

Pokemon battle cry
At the title screen, where it shows you holding a Pokeball and a Pokemon in the background, the Pokemon will change. When you press A on a Pokemon's picture, the battle cry it emits will be heard.

Fishing In Cerulean Gym
Fly, or walk to Cerulean City. Go into the gym. When you enter, walk on the board walk and stand in front of any part of it. Get a Old, Good or Super Rod and you can fish.

Unlimited chances to catch rare Pokemon
First, find a rare Pokemon such as a Mewtwo. Then, immediately before entering a battle with it, save the game. Now you can battle the Pokemon without worrying about not catching it. If you make a mistake and make it faint, stop and shut off the game. Then, turn on the game and use the continue option to restart just before the battle.

Recommended starting Pokemon
Squirtle's water attacks are not very effective on Misty's Pokemon. It will be destroyed while battling Electricity, Grass, and Poison types in the next three gyms. It would be average against Psychic types and does well against Fire types and will be fine in the last gym.

Bulbasaur will do well against Rock and Water types. It will also do fine with Electricity types, but will not do great with its own type and Poison. It would do well against Psychic and bad against Fire types. It does well in the eighth gym.

Charmander will not do very well with Rock or Water types. However, it will do well with Electricity and destroy Grass and Poison types. It does well with Psychic and average with Fire. It does not do very well in the last gym.

Catch Pokemon easilty
To catch Pokemon easily using any kind of ball (except the Master Ball), go into battle. Hold B as soon as you see the ball explode. If you hold the button just as the ball explodes and release it after you see the ball wobble a second time, you will have a good chance at catching a Pokemon.

Fishing for good Pokemon
This trick requires the Blue version of the game, a super rod, and five badges. Go fishing in the Pokemon HQ building. To reach the building, use the path west of Viridian City (route 22). Once inside, some annoying gaurds will ask if you have certain badges. You will eventually reach an indoor pool/lake that must be crossed on a Pokemon that knows SURF. Go fishing here to eventually catch Slowbro, Psyduck, Kingler, Seadra, and Seaking. Additionally, a Ditto may be caught in the grass across from the lake.

Missingno Pokemon
The U.S. version of the game contains the following glitch Pokemon, which is obtained by using these steps. Go to Cinnabar Island. Enter into the building where the man makes Pokemon out of fossils. Enter the first room in the building with people that want to trade Pokemon. Trade with one of these people; it does not matter which one. Go back outside and move to the far right side of the building. Then, SURF up and down the side of the island while half on land and half in the water. Keep surfing until challenged by a glitch that resembles a microchip or barcode. He is part bird and part water type and starts on level 80. Note: Obtaining Missingno can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that Missingno be released unless you are just experimenting with the game.

Alternate music
Defeat the Elite Four, and at some point in the game, perform the "Unlimited items" trick. Go to the PC and look at the Pokemon League stats. The music will change and remain changed as long as your remain in the Pokecenter.

Red version Pokemon
The following Pokemon are only found in the Red version of the game.


Go to the Pokemon Center in Fuchsia City. Go left and keeping moving in that direction past Koga's Gym. Then, keep going up and find the Cycling Road Entrance House. Enter use the stairs to find Professor Oak's aide and a trainer. Talk to the trainer and he will give you a Lickitung if you have Slowbro.

Get a diploma
To get the diploma catch 150 Pokemon and go and see the designer in the mansion in Celedon City. He will then give you the diploma.

An Extra Bike
Simply attempt to put your bike into the computer at any Pokemon Center. Instead of going in, you will have one in your bag and one in your computer as well.

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